Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New explorer for max displays resolution 244x244

An explorer full display Samsung E700.
This driver will include:

  • 1) Draw a text:
- The default color set to initiate the page or run Explorer
- With a pre-color description in the order of drawing text

  • 2) Draws a link:
- Link will default colors to select and clear preset to initiate or start page Explorer, calling routines click on this link will call on the name and number to order the program.
- Link will set the colors in the description Linc to select and deselect preset to initiate or start page Explorer, calling routines click on this link will call on the name and number to order the program.
- Link will default to select colors and clear preset to initiate or start page Explorer, calling routines click on this link will call at the number and order of the program.
- Link will set the colors in the description Linc to select and deselect preset to initiate or start page Explorer, calling routines click on this link will call at the number and order of the program.

  • 3) text editor:
- During the translation page and display them when there is a text editor library will call the name of the program that is attached to the text and edit the command, the program can read the contents edited text of a buffer separate text content publisher to create page will be "FF", this program has to return the same string buffer that will be displayed in text editor.
- During the translation page and display them when there is a text editor library will be made by calling the program that is attached to the text and edit the command, the program can read the contents edited text of a buffer separate text content publisher to create page will be "FF", this program has to return the same string buffer that will be displayed in text editor.
(Color color text will be declared the creation of the page or initiate Explorer, the color of the border will be declared the creation of the color page or entering into Explorer, background color of text edit initially will be white)

  • 4) Chek box:
- During the translation page and display them when there is a check box library will call the name of the program that is attached in check box and the command, the program can read 2 = Neinitializat, 0 = We checked, 1 = ticked in the register R16 Thus creating the page will be read will be 2, this program has to return in the same register 0 = us option 1 = check, as will happen every call of that program and the routine question
- During the translation page and display them when there is a check box library will be made by calling the program that is attached in chek box and the command, the program can read 2 = Neinitializat, 0 = We checked, 1 = ticked in the register R16 Thus creating the page will be read will be 2, this program has to return in the same register 0 = us option 1 = check, as will happen every call of that program and the routine question

The format of description page in buffer is:

  • SetBacgroundColor:
- 4 | 0 | Color(Low),Color(High)

  • SetInkColor:
- 4 | 1 | Color(Low),Color(High)

  • SetBarColor:
- 4 | 2 | Color(Low),Color(High)

  • SetPointerAdress:
- 4 | 3 | X AdressForPointer,Y AdressForPointer

  • PrintStaticText:
- 4 + String length | 4 | 0 | LengthOfString | StringText
- 6 + String length | 4 | 1 | Low(InkColor),High(InkColor) | LengthOfString | StringText

  • PrintLinkText:
- 8 + String length Link+ String Length name of program | 5 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 0 | 0 | Number of char in Link | String in Link | Number of function in program | LengthOfStringNameProgram | StringNameOfProgram

- 12 + String length Link+ String Length name of program | 5 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 0 | 1 | Low(InkColorForUnSelected),High(InkColorForUnSelected) | Low(InkColorForSelected),High(InkColorForSelected) | Number of char in Link | String in Link | Number of function in program | LengthOfStringNameProgram | StringNameOfProgram

- 9 + String length Link | 5 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 1 | 0 | Number of char in Link | String in Link | Number of function in program | Low(AdressOfProgramToCall),High(AdressOfProgramToCall)

- 13 + String length Link | 5 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 1 | 1 | Low(InkColorForUnSelected),High(InkColorForUnSelected) | Low(InkColorForSelected),High(InkColorForSelected) Number of char in Link | String in Link | Number of function in program | Low(AdressOfProgramToCall),High(AdressOfProgramToCall)

  • PrintTextEdit:
- 8 + Max string length Text+ String Length name of program | 6 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 0 | Number of char in TextEdit | Max length of textEdit | String in TextEdit | NumberOfFunctionInProgram | LengthOfStringNameProgram |StringNameOfProgram

- 9 + Max string length Text | 6 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 1 | Number of char in TextEdit | Max length of textEdit | String in TextEdit | NumberOfFunctionInProgram | Low(AdressOfProgramToCall),High(AdressOfProgramToCall)

  • PrintKeckBox:
- 7 + String Length name of program | 7 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 0=UnCheked,1=Cheked | 0 | NumberOfFunctionInProgram | LengthOfStringNameProgram | StringNameOfProgram

- 8 | 7 | 0=Unselected,1=Selected | 0=UnCheked,1=Cheked | 1 | Low(Program name),High(Program name),Number | NumberOfFunctionInProgram

  • SetLinkColor:
- 6 | 8 | UnSelectedLinkColor(Low),UnSelectedLinkColor(High)| SelectedLinkColor(Low),SelectedLinkColor(High)

  • SetPointer:
- 4 | 9 | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate

  • PaintVerticalLine:
- 6 | 10 | 0 | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | Y Length

- 8 | 10 | 1 | Low(Color),High(Color) | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | Y Length

  • PaintHorizontalLine:
- 6 | 11 | 0 | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | X Length

- 8 | 11 | 1 | Low(Color),High(Color) | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | X Length

  • PaintSquare:
- 7 | 12 | 0 | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | X Length | Y Length

- 9 | 12 | 1 | Low(Color),High(Color) | X Coordonate | Y Coordonate | X Length | Y

  • SetPlotColor:
- 4 | 13 | Color(Low),Color(High)

Status = coming up soon

Topics toll programs by name and was implemented for the explorer to be compatible with Kernel V0.3 learned here

The stage of this explorer is:

For example for paint One label ,3 links , 1 versical bar, one horizontal bar, one rectangle , one check box ( uncheked) and one chek box (cheked) load in buffer memory this data code:

.Equ CodeForSetBacgroundColor = 0
.Equ CodeForSetInkColor = 1
.Equ CodeForSetBarColor = 2
.Equ CodeForSetPointerAdress = 3
.Equ CodeForPrintStaticText = 4
.Equ CodeForPrintLinkText = 5
.Equ CodeForPrintTextEdit = 6
.Equ CodeForPrintKeckBox = 7
.Equ CodeForSetLinkColor = 8
.Equ CodeForSetPointer = 9
.Equ CodeToPaintVerticalLine =10
.Equ CodeToPaintHorizontalLine =11
.Equ CodeToPaintSquare =12
.Equ CodeForSetPlotColor =13

.db 4,CodeForSetBacgroundColor,Low(BLUE),High(BLUE),

And result this for samsung e700 display:

Text edit implemented

This is the complete schematic for one atmega64 and one samsung e700 display( the ram memory is not necessarily )


Anonymous said...

:) this is the first page on the net where I could see someone writing to an E700 lcd. Do you know the what is the name of the driver controller? Thanks in advance

MorgothCreator said...

The controller for e700 display is HD66773R an the name of the display is LTS180S3-HF1, I’ve added a link with the both datasheets at the end of the article.