Saturday, May 2, 2020

arduFPGA iCE40UP5K a FPGA development board in arduino R3 board format

A new FPGA development board in Arduino R3 format is in development and will be available for purchase very soon, now the board is in final revision stage.

The board will be Open Source Hardware and will come with plenty of example designs around ATmega/Xmega and RISCv soft cores with the default PIO, UART, TWI, TIMER's, SPI and other peripherals that are found in an ATmega uC, all RTL source code is licensed under GPLv2.

Some of the designs can be used for day to day work, like Oscilloscope up to about 100M samples/second and logic analyzers.

The user guide can be download from

Will be available for purchase from

The repository for all designs and source code can be found on

The board can be bought from
We have a delay of several days in in shipping the board due to COVID19