- Main processing unit ATxmega64A1 or ATxmega128A1.
- Audio decoder VS1011,1033,1053 with stereo jack 3.5mm female connector & external speakers 3 pin connector(optional).
- DS1307 real time clock with battery pads.
- PDI & JTAG connectors.
- LB1936 dual driver for asynchronous motors (optional).
- AD7414 temperature sensor for motor driver (optional).
- External motors driver connector with I2C bus.
- Two micro SD connectors ( one is optional ).
- Four connectors with 2x3 pin to control eight servo motors, two servomotors for each connector, each connector is power interruption to minimize power consumption.
- Two power jack connector 5.5/2.1mm put in series to connect two photovoltaic panels and with static commutator controlled by software to charge main accumulator.
- High power step down stabilizer from accumulator voltage to 3.3V.
- On-board 512KB static ram for minimizing power consumption in sleep mode.
- BTM-222 Bluetooth for communication with PC or mobile phones (optional).
- RFM12BP at 434Mhz for communication with one remote control for huge distance up to 5Km (optional).
- RFM12BS at 868Mhz to control other wireless modules (optional).
- All modules from point 13, 14 & 15 can work at the same time without interferences.
- Five connectors with four pins with I2C bus and 3.3V power for future extensions.
- External extension bus connector to connect future external modules to ATxmega parallel data bus, such as Displays, more motors controllers, image sensors etc.
- Possibility to monitor power consumption from main accumulator.
- Possibility to monitor generated power by the photovoltaic panels.
- Possibility to monitor voltage of the main accumulator.
- Possibility to monitor power consumption of each motor powered by on-board driver.
- Robots: contain on-board dual asynchronous motor driver and four connectors to control eight servomotors, powered from an Li-Ion accumulator and support to charge the accumulator from two photovoltaic cells or from an external source, several communication modules: Bluetooth Class1, EFM12BP for long distance communication up to 5Km and RFM12BS for low power and short distance communication up to 300m.
- Audio player: contain on-board VS1011, VS1033 or VS1053, single or dual micro-SD memory card connectors with push.
- Audio/Video(low quality) player.
- General development application because has all possibility to connect with another controller or another peripherals to the expansion bus, the expansion connector work to speed of the external ram memory, because the expansion peripherals is mapped to address space 524288 to 1048576, maximum number of expansion peripherals is 65536.
Power supply input between 3.4V and 9.5V
Maximum supported input voltage on photovoltaic connectors and the main accumulator: 9.5V, Maximum absolute 10.5V.
Board dimension: 66.83 x 130.78mm.
This board can be bought from http://devboardshop.com.