Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ATxmega boot loader

Currently I bought a Micromedia Board ( microMMB for XMEGA ) from mikroEelektronika.

This board is perfect for general developing because can be used by programmers that don't have a programmer, because is coming with a bootloader pre-installed.
I mentioned only the bootloader because this bootloader is the problem
To upload a flash with 64KB size is taken about 10-15 minutes, or to develop a firmware is a very very long time to wait, visualizing this I developed a very fast bootloader to write only Flash and EEProm memory, only strictly necessary memories because all of other ATxmega features can be set from uploaded firmware.

In this stage I compiled eight bootloader firmwares only for ATxmega128A1 for each used hardware usart, and each firmware work with a 256000 baud transfer rate, this baud rate is set like default baud rate for the up-loader when is opened, I want to mention that the up-loader can work with atmega bootloader firmwares found here.

Version 1.0 of firmwares:

For usart 6 ( usart F0 ). can be used for Micromedia Board for XMEGA.

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